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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hello World

Myspace is... Finish that sentence however you want and 90% of the time it's 100% accurate. This is a song that we did for the AirPort EP that for whatever reason never got posted to the music player on our myspace (even though I uploaded it 546 times).

So for all of you slackers that never made it over to the music section of or haven't taken 5 minutes to download the EP here it is. My second favorite song from the album.


music video coming soon...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In the beginning...


In the beginning I wanted to have long thought out essay style blogs. But I'm tooooooo lazy for all of that. I plan on keeping these post short and simple. It's obvious that all of you attention deficit readers (oxymoron?) aren't gonna make it past this sentence. So without further ado, lets get to know each other a bit better.

These are a few of my favorate things...

Aviator sunglasses are a must! Be honest. Is a "man" truly a Man unless he owns a couple pairs??? NO!

Gods gift to feet! Cre8tive Rec shoes. Gentleman, save your lunch money for a couple of weeks, hit the internets and get a pair rush delivered to your residence.

Don't make beats without it! This is the appropriate workstation for the "every man" of '08. Take a few piano classes at your community college, bite you favorite Kanye drums and let your fingers do the talking.

Remember when Hip Hop was alive?

Ahhhh, communication. This is our generations light bulb. Seriously, the best device made in the last 10 years. Apple doesn't pay me to advertise (though they should). I'm just a satisfied customer.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the unofficial first post...

download the AirPort EP courtesy of your good friends Deliberately Defiant

AirPort EP Cover

the beginning of the beginning